After much studying and planning… maybe a little procrastination in there as well, we are ready to pull the trigger on our pasture raised chicken plan.
BLUF (bottom line up front) – you’ll have access to all-natural pasture raised chicken in early July, available for local delivery (I45 corridor Centerville to Houston), shipping to all lower 48 states.
How we doing it? Well, we’re employing the power of the chicken tractor (movable chicken coop) that can travel through the pasture after the cattle graze and are rotated. This allows the chickens to scratch and graze on all-natural feed. You may not have known, but chickens are omnivores, meaning they’ll eat whatever they can get their beaks on. We’ve seen these little T-Rex eat everything from sunflower seeds to snakes, mice, and fly larvae. This is what you want, you want chickens that were raised as chickens. Quality input = quality output and just about the most flavorful chicken meat you’ll be able to get your hands on.
We’ll start with 50 birds, receiving them at 2 days old and raising them for 11 weeks. At week 11, we’ll load them up and take them to a USDA processor for harvesting. Chickens will be vac sealed and frozen, ready for shipment by early July.
WIFM (what’s in it for me) – Pasture regeneration and sustainability. When cattle run through the pasture, they trample down some grass and tear up some soil and they lay down “fertilizer” in areas. Once they are pulled off the field, regeneration happens, the areas that were trampled have seed that was pushed into the soil. The areas of “fertilizer” leach out after rain and provide much needed nutrients to surrounding areas. Chickens will take that a step further, as the chicken tractor heads over an area, that mobile chicken coop allows the chickens to do their thing, scratching and pecking. That scratching and pecking spreads out the fertilizers, eats the fly larvae (reducing fly populations) and provides surface cover to seeded out grasses for regrowth. This creates a regeneration path for soil and pasture improvement, all good things!